The Log Book of Manuel Kiessling Covers topics on architecting, building, deploying and running software and systems for the web based on open source tools with agile methodologies. 2017-01-17T08:56:18Z WordPress /feed/atom/ Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[How Cassandra’s inner workings relate to performance]]> http://?p=1479 2016-10-05T06:56:36Z 2016-07-11T11:19:57Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Scala Play2: Tolerant JSON body parsing with dedicated error handling]]> http://?p=1473 2016-05-16T19:33:48Z 2016-05-16T19:27:24Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Scala: Traversing a graph in a functional way]]> http://?p=1447 2016-02-15T22:08:19Z 2016-02-15T10:41:30Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Puppet: Evaluating defined types for each element in an array in a non-brittle way]]> http://?p=1441 2016-02-04T20:22:11Z 2016-02-04T20:18:22Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Compile Time Cassandra Injection in Play 2.4]]> http://?p=1407 2016-02-22T07:19:22Z 2016-01-17T20:57:35Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Video: Die E-Commerce-Welt bei GALERIA Kaufhof]]> http://?p=1391 2016-01-07T23:01:50Z 2016-01-07T22:42:05Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Die Architektur der Plattform im Kontext der Produktentwicklungs-Organisation]]> http://?p=1371 2016-01-19T20:13:21Z 2016-01-02T11:34:20Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Play2: Switching from specs2 to ScalaTest]]> http://?p=1366 2016-01-18T08:32:35Z 2015-12-31T17:49:55Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Adding a Play2 application as a sub-project to an existing sbt project]]> http://?p=1352 2016-01-07T07:11:25Z 2015-12-09T21:10:54Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Upgrading a Symfony project from 2.6 to 3.0]]> http://?p=1338 2015-12-14T08:32:58Z 2015-12-07T19:47:17Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Entwicklung und Betrieb einer Symfony2 Webanwendung – Teil 1]]> http://?p=1322 2015-11-29T16:45:55Z 2015-11-29T16:43:02Z Ich möchte dieses Projekt aus der realen Welt heranziehen um den Leser durch all jene Details des Produktentwicklungsprozesses zu führen, die eine relevante Rolle spielen im Zusammenhang mit dem Schreiben und Betreiben von Anwendungen auf Basis von Symfony2 - hierbei gehe ich ein auf Aspekte wie Projektsetup, Testing, Datenbankmigrationen, Continuous Delivery, Sicherheit, und vieles mehr.

Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Setting up an sbt-based project for Scala 2.11 with ScalaTest support]]> http://?p=1301 2015-11-02T13:43:33Z 2015-11-02T13:37:15Z This post describes how to set up a new Scala 2.11.7 project with ScalaTest 2.2.4 support using sbt 0.13.9 on Mac OS X 10.11 "El Capitan" with Java 1.8.

If set up as describes below, you can manage your project via sbt, and you will be able to run your test cases via sbt test. Also, after setting things up this way, the project can be opened and used in IntelliJ IDEA 14 as an sbt project.

Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[How I build, deploy, and run Spark]]> http://?p=1253 2016-10-27T06:07:25Z 2015-10-17T20:23:42Z I'm currently tinkering with Spark for my side project JourneyMonitor. The goal is to extract useful metrics from the Selenium runs executed by the platform.

To do so, I'm currently in the process of creating a new Analyze component. I want to build the Spark setup and the jobs using Scala 2.11. Therefore, I had to compile my own version of Spark 1.5.1, put it onto the systems, and run a cluster from that. This post describes what worked for me.

Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Interview: Die E-Commerce-Plattform von GALERIA Kaufhof]]> http://?p=1404 2016-01-07T23:06:07Z 2015-07-09T22:59:53Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Transformieren und Validieren von JSON Requests in Play2]]> http://?p=1171 2015-03-02T08:20:53Z 2015-03-01T15:16:59Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Things you should not read, Vol. 2]]> http://?p=1164 2015-01-20T18:07:52Z 2015-01-20T18:05:58Z this, this, this, this, and this.]]> 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Setting up a Scala sbt multi-project with Cassandra connectivity and migrations]]> http://?p=1142 2015-02-04T16:11:42Z 2015-01-19T18:50:10Z sbt. I’ll also describe how to enable both modules to speak with an Apache Cassandra database, and how to add automatically applied database migrations (in order to allow using the project in a Continuous Delivery setup like the one we use at Galeria Kaufhof).]]> 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Things you should not read, Vol. 1]]> http://?p=1149 2015-01-20T18:08:18Z 2015-01-09T08:06:19Z Please do not read this, this, this, this, and this.

Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Limiting access to forwarded ports in Cisco iOS]]> http://?p=1114 2014-09-21T12:45:51Z 2014-06-20T09:03:51Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Creating a useful AngularJS project structure and toolchain]]> http://?p=1029 2014-06-20T16:21:42Z 2014-06-09T19:18:55Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Mocking Dependencies in PHP Unit Tests with Mockery]]> http://?p=994 2014-05-14T20:17:40Z 2014-05-08T16:37:18Z Mockery allows to use a simulated version of certain objects within unit tests, usable where objects are passed into methods as dependencies. This form of simulation is called mocking. The following example shows how mocking enables us to test methods that depend on a database without the need for a real database when running our tests.]]> 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Building manageable server infrastructures with Puppet: Part 1]]> http://?p=793 2016-01-19T20:16:05Z 2014-03-26T07:09:53Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Building manageable server infrastructures with Puppet: Part 2]]> http://?p=835 2016-01-19T20:16:25Z 2014-03-26T07:09:48Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Building manageable server infrastructures with Puppet: Part 3]]> http://?p=866 2016-01-19T20:16:33Z 2014-03-26T07:08:43Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Building manageable server infrastructures with Puppet: Part 4]]> http://?p=950 2016-01-19T20:16:48Z 2014-03-25T23:29:44Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Converting a running physical machine to a KVM virtual machine]]> http://?p=759 2013-03-21T20:02:44Z 2013-03-19T17:40:48Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Applying The Clean Architecture to Go applications]]> http://?p=723 2017-01-17T08:56:18Z 2012-09-28T07:34:09Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Tutorial: Developing HTML5 Canvas Games for Facebook with JavaScript – Part 1]]> 2012-07-28T19:40:59Z 2012-04-02T13:34:10Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[“We need to work longer” – Why this is not what you want to say]]> 2012-04-03T18:13:38Z 2012-04-02T12:32:21Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[True universal JavaScript modules with write-once-run-anywhere Jasmine specs]]> 2012-08-04T11:10:53Z 2012-03-30T08:06:43Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Talk: PHP 5.4 – die wichtigsten Neuerungen im Überblick]]> 2012-07-28T19:41:45Z 2012-03-24T21:42:30Z PHP 5.4 - die wichtigsten Neuerungen im Überblick gehalten. Folien und Videomitschnitt des Talks nach dem Klick.]]> 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Object-orientation and inheritance in JavaScript: a comprehensive explanation]]> 2013-09-25T19:12:09Z 2012-03-23T09:43:26Z Let’s talk about object-orientation and inheritance in JavaScript.

The good news is that it’s actually quite simple, but the bad news is that it works completely different than object-orientation in languages like C++, Java, Ruby, Python or PHP, making it not-quite-so simple to understand.

But fear not, we are going to take it step by step.

Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Project: projectile, an HTML5 canvas game]]> 2014-04-04T12:53:02Z 2012-03-19T00:03:30Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Project: bivouac, an HTML5 web chat with filesharing]]> 2012-07-28T19:43:24Z 2012-03-18T13:33:36Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Interview on the Leanpub Podcast]]> http://?p=1385 2016-01-07T22:40:40Z 2012-03-17T22:16:51Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Deploying Symfony2 Apps via Scalarium: Improved Methodology]]> 2012-05-06T15:04:04Z 2012-01-05T08:04:19Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Cocoa: What to do if outlineView: objectValue ForTableColumn: byItem never gets called]]> 2012-01-18T10:52:05Z 2011-11-15T21:10:21Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[How hosting MyHammer started in a devops way back in the day]]> 2012-07-28T19:42:25Z 2011-11-07T15:47:59Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Deploying Symfony2 Applications to Amazon AWS with Scalarium]]> 2012-07-28T19:43:44Z 2011-11-01T10:18:46Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Behaviour-driven node.js development with stubbing by combining Vows and node-gently]]> 2012-05-06T15:04:44Z 2011-04-13T18:35:16Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[The only job application form that makes sense]]> 2011-04-11T10:01:04Z 2011-04-11T10:00:14Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Why developing without tests is like driving a car without brakes]]> 2011-04-07T07:57:07Z 2011-04-07T07:37:55Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Visualization: Why working iterative works]]> 2015-04-08T20:54:20Z 2011-03-10T16:48:18Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Interview mit mir auf dem O’Reilly Blog]]> 2011-01-31T12:33:12Z 2011-01-31T12:26:43Z Das Blog von O'Reilly Deutschland hat in seiner Reihe "Karriere(n) in der IT" ein kurzes Interview mit mir geführt.

Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Empfehlung: Literatur für Manager]]> 2011-01-21T13:56:26Z 2011-01-21T13:52:04Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Neues Projekt: Platform Health Viewer]]> 2011-01-11T09:18:49Z 2011-01-11T08:16:53Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[New project: Platform Health Viewer]]> 2011-01-11T09:14:10Z 2011-01-11T07:39:48Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Testgetriebene Administration – test driven administration]]> 2010-09-02T12:01:28Z 2010-09-01T22:57:25Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[<angular/> – ein radikal neuer Weg, Ajax Applikationen zu schreiben]]> 2012-01-18T11:41:44Z 2010-08-25T09:21:13Z <angular/> bringt JavaScript-Logik und das dazugehörige HTML Dokument deutlich näher zueinander als bestehende Frameworks wie beispielsweise jQuery. Es entfernt gleich mehrere Ebenen an Abstraktion, die ein Stück JavaScript-Code und das DOM-Element, auf welchem der Code operieren möchte, voneinander trennen.]]> 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Tutorial: Testgetriebene Entwicklung mit PHP]]> 2014-09-25T10:31:09Z 2010-08-23T16:24:50Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Empfehlung: Barbecue Sauce “Bone Suckin’ regular thicker style” von Ford’s Food]]> 2010-08-24T13:53:48Z 2010-07-13T11:17:46Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Empfehlung: “Der Kuchenladen” in Berlin]]> 2010-08-24T13:32:02Z 2010-07-13T11:08:46Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Project: PHPRestfulSubversion]]> 2012-03-19T00:24:15Z 2010-05-21T00:14:15Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Alte Homepage wieder verfügbar]]> 2010-07-08T22:08:02Z 2010-04-30T12:36:52Z erreichbar.]]> 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[siqqel: SQL-Abfragen direkt aus HTML heraus ausführen und darstellen]]> http://localhost/?p=6 2010-07-09T15:22:55Z 2010-04-07T23:15:47Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Database Change Management mithilfe von VCS: Teil 1]]> 2010-07-13T10:29:39Z 2010-02-26T12:39:01Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Wie man Replikationsunterbrechung durch Deadlocks bei INSERT INTO … SELECT verhindert]]> 2010-07-13T10:29:47Z 2007-08-07T13:04:17Z 0 Manuel Kiessling <![CDATA[Recycelter Artikel: “My-Hammer, das Fernsehen und die Serverlast”]]> http://localhost/?p=13 2014-04-05T19:56:02Z 2007-07-16T23:22:28Z 0