Node & React Beginner Tutorial — Part 2: Storing values
This is part two of a multi-part tutorial series that teaches how to build real-world software applications with JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, and React — starting from zero knowledge, all the way to launching into production.
See Part 1: Introduction to JavaScript if you haven’t read it yet.
Part 2: Storing values
Let’s now write a more complex JavaScript expression. Please enter and run let a = "hello"
in the console.
What we just did was a so-called variable declaration and assignment — we declared the existence of a new variable named a
, and assigned to it the value "hello"
. In JavaScript, as in all other programming languages, variables act as containers for values. It’s like using an envelope that has “a” written on it and putting a letter with the text “hello” into this envelope.
It’s important to understand that when the JavaScript interpreter evaluates this single expression, it actually performs two things: first, a variable is declared, that is, the variable name is from then on known to the JavaScript interpreter. Afterwards, an initial value is then assigned to the newly defined variable, making the value accessible under the name of the variable.
In other words, the expression
let a = "hello"
is equivalent to these two expressions:
let a
a = "hello"
Whatever approach you choose, a
is now identical to the string value "hello"
by any practical measure. a == "hello"
is true, as is a === "hello"
, and because "hello" + " world"
results in "hello world"
, so does a + " world"
Did you encounter an error while trying out the expressions starting with let
? Something like Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared"
or SyntaxError: redeclaration of let a
? Don’t worry, that’s expected. Within any one JavaScript interpreter session, every variable can be declared only once. Once a variable name has been declared with let
, it cannot be redeclared.
If you want a clean slate with no variables declared, you need to reload the browser tab to which the console is attached, or open a new tab or window with a new console — it’s not enough to close and reopen only the console.
With this out of the way, let’s further examine our first let expression, let a = "hello"
When executing a let
expression, the response of the interpreter isn’t an echo of what we wrote, and we also didn’t get back the string value "hello"
— instead, we got back the value undefined
> let a = "hello"
<- undefined
This sounds like something didn’t work as intended, but that’s not the case. The JavaScript interpreter evaluated and executed our code successfully, but this time, while the value of a
became "hello"
, evaluating the expression itself did result in an entirely different value: undefined
In a sense, an undefined
response is the JavaScript interpreter’s way of saying “nothing to see here, move along”.
What type does the value undefined
have? Its type is also named undefined
, and the value undefined
is the only value that type undefined
offers — this clearly is a very special language construct.
Investigating types
Let’s play around a bit with with this. JavaScript ships with a function called typeof
, and we can use it to investigate the type of a value or an expression. Using it, we can verify that the name of the type of value undefined
is indeed “undefined”:
> typeof(undefined)
<- "undefined"
Of course, we can also check the type of other values:
> typeof("hello")
<- "string"
> typeof(1)
<- "number"
> typeof(true)
<- "boolean"
Passing more complex expressions is fine, too:
> typeof(1 + 1)
<- "number"
> typeof(1 == 1)
<- "boolean"
> typeof(1 + "foo")
<- "string"
And we can check for the type of variable a
> typeof(a)
<- "string"
Here’s a catch. You can check the type of a variable that is merely declared, but hasn’t been assigned a value yet:
> let x
> typeof(x)
<- "undefined"
This shows that even a variable to which we did not yet assign any value, still has a type: undefined.
Irritatingly, the same is true for completely undeclared variables:
> typeof(y)
<- "undefined"
Still, x
and y
are different, because only one of them is actually declared. We can make this difference visible when we try to access the value of x
and y
— which, by the way, shows that not only does x
have a type, it also has a value (which isn’t that surprising; as we’ve learned, variables of type undefined by definition must have one and only one value: undefined
> x
<- undefined
> y
ReferenceError: y is not defined
Letting the JavaScript interpreter evaluate the undeclared expression y
correctly results in an error — as y
is not yet declared, the interpreter doesn’t know about it. Another catch, however, is that the error message states that “y is not defined” — which sounds very much like “y is undefined”, but that’s not the same thing. It would be a lot less confusing if the error message would read “y is not declared”.
So, two catches here: If the JavaScript interpreter encounters a variable name that hasn’t been declared yet, it bails out (which is correct), stating that the variable has not yet been defined (which is confusing). However, passing an undeclared variable name to typeof
does not make the JavaScript interpreter bail out (which is confusing), and returns type undefined — which is even more confusing. But at least we now know how the game is played.
Ok, back to our new variable, a
, which is neatly declared and neatly assigned to a value, and should therefore make for a non-confusing experience.
While we cannot re-declare an already declared variable, we can re-assign new values to variables declared with let
— even values of a different type. "hello"
is always "hello"
and is always a string, but we can assign a different value to a
; for example a = "goodbye"
or a = 1
— this changes its value, and potentially, its type:
> a
<- "hello"
> a = "goodbye"
<- "goodbye"
> typeof(a)
<- "string"
> a = 1
<- 1
> typeof(a)
<- "number"
This shows one of the core properties of the JavaScript language: it is a so-called loosely typed or dynamic language — that is, the type of a variable isn’t fixed, and can dynamically change during the run of an application.
Working with multiple variables
When we declare a variable, we can also assign to it the value of another, already existing variable:
> let b = "foo"
> let c = b
> c
<- "foo"
Important detail: b
and c
now have the same value, "foo"
, but they do not “share” this value, because c
got an independent copy of b
’s value, which can be demonstrated like this:
> let b = "foo"
> let c = b
> c
<- "foo"
> b = "bar"
> c
<- "foo"
Changing the value of b
did not change the value of c
— although c
has been declared with let c = b
, it is nevertheless completely independent from b
from there on.
In addition to variables, JavaScript supports constants. Like variables, they act as a container for a value, making the value available under the name of the constant — however, we are forced to assign a value upon declaration, and cannot re-assign another value once the constant has been declared:
> const d = "foo"
> d
<- "foo"
> d = "bar"
TypeError: invalid assignment to const `d'
> const e
SyntaxError: missing = in const declaration
Just like variables, constants can be used in expressions just like the values they contain would be used:
> 1 + d
<- "1foo"
Summary of part 2
Fine, let’s again recap what we’ve learned so far:
- Every major browsers ships with a JavaScript interpreter, and using a browser’s console tool, we can work with this interpreter interactively.
- JavaScript code consists of expressions, which are pieces of code that the JavaScript interpreter can evaluate and execute. The console tool allows us to send expressions to the JavaScript interpreter, which then prints the result of evaluating that expression back to the console.
- Simple expressions like
can be combined into more complex expressions like1 + "hello"
, which can be combined into ever more complex expressions likelet d = (1 + "hello") + (Number("5") / 8) + "hey"
. - One of the most simple JavaScript expressions is a value, e.g.
. Every value in JavaScript has a type, and so far, we’ve encountered the types string, number, boolean, and undefined. - Simple expressions can be combined into more complex expressions using operators, e.g.
, and>
. - How these operators work depends on the type of the values involved — for example,
1 + 1
results in2
, while1 + "1"
results in"11"
. - When combining or comparing values using these operators, type coercion rules are applied, which potentially translate a value with a given type into another value of a different type. Because coercion rules are complex and can lead to subtle bugs when comparing only the values using the
operator, it’s recommended to compare value and type using===
. - Instead of working with values directly, we can put values into variables or constants, which act as a container for a value.
With this, we’ve reached the very first milestone of our journey, and learned about the most basic elements of the JavaScript language. There is, of course, a lot more that we need to tackle.
Next up
To do so effectively, however, we need to switch to a different JavaScript context. Experimenting with one-liners is all nice and dandy for our first baby steps, but of course it’s a very limited approach. Actual JavaScript applications aren’t limited to single-line expressions, and while it’s possible to enter multiple lines of code into the console (hint: hold SHIFT
while hitting ENTER
), it’s not very comfortable.
Thus, beginning with part three, we will start to use JavaScript in an environment that allows us to write some first full-fledged applications: Node.js.
This allows us to write and run code for the command line, and enables us to tackle more language constructs like if statements, loops, functions, and many more. We will employ these to write code that is actually useful.
We will return to JavaScript in the browser, though, when we start working with React afterwards.
But now, on to part three of this series, and with that, on to the command line!